



  • 切入正题:在前几句话中包含辞职意图
  • 保持简单:没有必要编写比几段更长的东西。在这种情况下,直截了当是最有效的
  • 告知最后一天:说明最后工作日期以避免任何混淆,最好是从交付之日起不少于两周,除非合同另有规定
  • 尊重您的自由裁量权:原则上没有义务提供辞职的具体原因
  • 保持专业:使用辞职信作为赞美雇主的机会
  • 考虑商业信函格式:包括联系信息、日期和收件人的联系信息,合适的开头。具体如下:
    • 你的名字
    • 地址
    • 省市
    • 邮政编码
    • 电话号码
    • 电子邮件
    • 日期
    • 收件人的姓名
    • 收件人头衔
    • 公司名称
    • 公司地址
    • 公司所在省市
    • 公司的邮政编码



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please accept my letter as formal resignation from [Company Name], effective [Date of Resignation]. I have truly valued my experience at [Company Name] and will be forever grateful for the opportunities this position has provided.

In this time of transition, please allow me to support in any way needed. I wish all the best to you and the [Company Name] team.


[Sign here]

[Your name, your title] 



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

This letter is to inform you of my resignation from my role of [Your Title] at [Company Name], effective [Date of Resignation].

I want to thank you for the unique professional opportunities I have received for the last [Amount of Time Employed] years. [Company Name] and your mentorship has propelled me to grow significantly, both personally and professionally, and I am incredibly grateful. It has been an absolute honour to work with this team.

Please let me know how I may be of any assistance during this transitionary period.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please accept my letter as formal resignation from [Company name], effective [Date of Resignation].

I am very grateful for my [Amount of Time Employed] years at [Company Name]. In this time, I’ve been able to [Skill Acquired], [Skill Acquired], and [Skill Acquired]. All in all, [Company Name] has provided me with key industry knowledge and experience I will certainly carry with me through my career

Thank you for understanding my decision and for your continued support during my time with [Company Name]. If there is anything I can do to assist in this transition, please don’t hesitate to ask.



[Your Name, your title]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

After careful consideration, I have decided to resign from my current position at [Company Name]. My final date at [Company Name] will be [Date of Resignation]

In my remaining time at [Company Name], I’ll do everything possible to ensure any loose ends have been tied and that my colleagues are left without questions. If there is anything specific you need from me in my remaining time here, please don’t hesitate to ask. I understand this process may be challenging and hope to assist however needed.

Thank you so much for an incredible [Amount of Time Employed]. I will always value my experience at [Company Name] and wish you continued success. 



[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please accept this letter as formal resignation from [Company Name]. I have recently been offered a new opportunity that I feel will better suit me and my career goals at this time. While I greatly appreciate the growth and encouragement [Company Name] has provided me, my final day will be [Date of Resignation].

I would like to acknowledge my gratitude for the incredible [Amount of Time Employed]. Please allow me to assist however appropriate in this time of transition.



[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Please accept this letter as formal resignation from [Company Name]. I have recently been offered a new opportunity that I feel will better suit me and my career goals at this time. While I greatly appreciate the growth and encouragement [Company Name] has provided me, my final day will be [Date of Resignation].

I would like to acknowledge my gratitude for the incredible [Amount of Time Employed]. Please allow me to assist however appropriate in this time of transition.



[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I regret to inform you that this letter is my formal resignation from [Company Name] effective [Date of Resignation]. Please understand this departure is in no way a reflection of my experience at [Company Name], unfortunately, personal reasons demand I vacate my role.

Thank you for your support and understanding. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in my remaining time here.



[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

It is with deep regret that I am writing to inform you of my immediate resignation from [Company Name]. While I understand this is a breach of my employment contract, I must step down without notice as a result of unforeseen circumstances. I apologise for any challenges this may cause.

I want to sincerely thank you for the support I’ve received at [Company Name]. I value all the experience and lessons this job has granted me and will certainly carry all that I’ve learned in my next position

Whenever possible, please let me know how to best acquire my upcoming paycheque.



[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

As a result of circumstances beyond my control, please accept this letter as formal resignation from [Company Name], effective immediately, [Tomorrow’s Date]. I sincerely apologise for the inability to provide a more considerate notice period and am extremely appreciative for your understanding at this time.

Thank you so much for an incredible [Amount of Time Employed]. I will always value my experience at [Company Name] and wish you continued success.

When possible, please notify me of how to best obtain my final paycheque.

Yours sincerely,


[Your Name]



Dear [Recipient’s Name],

While I have appreciated the opportunity of [contract/temporary] work at [Company Name], please accept this letter as notice of my inability to fulfil the entirety of my contract. My final date of work will be [Date of Resignation]. 

I have enjoyed working for [Company Name] and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



[Your Name]




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